In a recent article on prepping, I painted a picture of two contrasting preppers. One was the less extreme man who believes one must always prepare for anything, as boring as an ordinary power outage may be. The other was the more intense man who believes that WW3 is on the horizon. The overall point of the article was that prepping is simply a calling everyone should own, and whether you believe that it's the end of the world or not, you need to start somewhere and work your way up to protect your family.
That being said… WOW, what a rough past week, huh?
You know it’s bad when the “normies” are throwing out expressions like “Imminent Nuclear War!” Apparently there is a run on potassium chloride tablets at the moment (allegedly something you want to take after a nuclear blast).
Let’s take a step back from trying to understand all the ins and outs of the Ukraine/Russian war (worth research, but good luck mastering this complicated situation), and let's talk about what we do know. Or at least what we should be acknowledging...
As the deomcrats tell us to rejoice that gas prices are at historic highs, let’s just officially declare this day one where we all recognize out loud that our nation is not currently a free and sovereign nation. And whether you want to call it Socialism, Communism, or you just want to call us a nation under the control of the "Globo Homo" elite, you are less free than you were before Covid and you will not get back the same freedoms or the standard of living you were accustomed to. At least not without a Canadian trucker style fight. And then some...
This nation is currently a client state of the UN. You know, the same UN that pushes radical sex-ed on children starting at age 5 and has been mapping out the “sustatinable future” (a world Communist style government) even before Agenda 21. America is currently a client state of the WEF and associates such as Black Rock. America was literally taken by a Coup in 2020 and all of the rising gas prices and the corresponding impending economic destruction are by design. The plan is to turn your children into sterile worker bees who live in a bio-security state, dwell in "tiny-homes", and have to resort to taking public transportation everywhere. A plutocracy has been hard at work to gain total control over your freedoms, your finances, and your children's futures. Despite the recent relinquishment of Covid, don't let the war lull you to sleep on the global elite's current position.
Finally, let's add that many Americans have complete Stockholm Syndrome to add to their mass psychosis after masking up for a year and a half. “Hurt me more, Daddy!!”, your leftist work collegues and neighbors demand.
Two years deep into this coup (yeah, I’ll throw ALL of Covid in the timeline of the coup) we now finally feel the economic effects. The last refuge for normalcy bias is now broken. It will get worse. We are all about to have significantly less money. Period.
It is encouraging to see that more and more people are becoming bold enough to say it out loud… we currently live in a totalitarian state.
Almost two weeks ago, I enjoyed a sermon, in person, that spoke directly on the current world situation. In it, the priest called out Socialism as the light version of Communism. He spoke on the Russian invasion, brought up the warning of Fatima, and reminded us that Communism didn’t totally vanish from the earth with the collapse of the Soviet Union. He also insisted that when a religion is not allowed to criticize the government, it is not a free religion, but rather more like another branch of the government.
Thank God for that priest. Thank God he is willing to speak the truth out loud and with zeal. It's the least any of us can do. This past Sunday I spoke with another priest who expressed concern with the current situation and then shared the story of when he was saying mass in LA County during the early phases of the Scamdemic. Someone had left a gate open and the police showed up while he was celebrating Holy Mass. These police interepted mass and barged in to "ensure that everyone was 'safe'". We discussed how disillusioning this has been (how could such happen in America?!), as well as our sincere hope that we will be more resolved to ensure that such never happens again.
I think we can resist another lock down. We can even resist much of the proximate threats to our freedoms and our way of life, if we continue to pray and to act. Ultimately, we need to foster a culture where, going forward, we readily acknowledge who the enemies actually are, and we collectively Insturare Omnia in Christo (Restore all things in Chirst).
Insturare Omnia in Christo
Here’s one of the most tragic fallacies of the modern era: the belief that the direct antithesis to Communism is Capitalism. If only it were just about economics. Not to mention the sad inability most have to make a more nuanced distinction between Capitalism and Free Enterprise, but I digress.
Here’s an idea, a more fitting antithesis to Communism is the faith. Our faith that insists that every human person is made in the image of God with an intellect and free choice of the will. And because of the dignity we inherently posess as free human persons, no state is allowed to disregard our human rights. Was John Locke influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas when he concluded that man had unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property? Saint Thomas is so ingrained into the fabric of Scholastic and post Scholastic Natural Law and Human Law theory, it would be practically impossible to argue that someone opining such conclusions as Locke was not influenced by St. Thomas. Because of these profound natural law and natural rights undertones of the Declaration and the Constitution, it’s reasonable to believe that America has had an extra layer of defense against Communism built into it, setting us up nicely even before the writings of Marx.
But again, don’t buy the fallacy that the monopoly men are the men who kept Communism at bay by their example of Plutocratic cronyism at various points in the modern era. That was not the antithesis to Marxism. And for heaven’s sake, don’t believe the lies that the underhanded doings of the CIA installing dictatorships that served American corporate and banking interests saved us from Communism either. In fact, the model was literally played out before our very eyes when BLM burned, looted, and murdered in our streets. And who is more Marxist than them? When you understand that the elites who speak all sorts of patriotic language, but simultaneously work every angle they can to trade you and your family for a buck have just been a certain breed of Marxist the whole time, it’s pretty disturbing. From the Rothschilds, JP Morgan, and the Rockefellers all the way to Klaus Schwab, Soros, and Gates.
In fact, the man who made popular the phrase “Insturare Omnia in Christo” already had a pretty good idea of who the bad guys were when he condemned them and the rest of the modernists relentlessly. He was... Saint Pope Pius X. That’s right, our legendary Traditionalist hero adopted, as his papal motto, the call that Catholics must “Restore all things in Christ!!” What a call to ACTION! The modernists were out to destroy the Church. The Freemasons, the Communists, the central bankers who were willing to infiltrate and influence anything they could get their hands on in order to hedge and short on the rise and fall of the world, all of these men were apparent and out in the open 100 years ago, just as they are today. People were openly Eugenicists in the time of Saint Pope Pius X, just as are the transhumanists of today! A rising class of Plutocrats like JP Morgan, Rockefeller, and Carnegie were resetting the world according to it’s ability to serve their Trusts, just as a rising class of plutocrats in the WEF are doing today!
The only difference is that we don’t currently have a pope leading us on to “Insturare!!” In fact, we have a pope who practically moves in lockstep with today’s Great Resetters. A pope who gave a regular seat at the table to an anti-Catholic pro-abort social enginer (human dignity be damned) like Jeffery Sachs. So what’s a Catholic to do?
There is a temptation for many Catholics, especially Traditionalists, to take this opportunity to come up small at this time. Why particularly Traditionalists? Well, it's no secret that the status of the Latin Mass always seems in question. Especially recently. And so a temptation, even toward Quietism, exists for many who just want to experience the awesomeness of the Latin mass, be pious, and call it a day. It's an understandable desire, for sure. Be good, play by the rules, don’t make any waves, and this storm too shall pass. Or at least that's the hope.
But we cannot compromise the call to evangelize and to our Apostolic mission that Christ gave us 2000 years ago (Mt. 28: 19-20). The same call in which our hero, St. Pope Pius X, resounded when he called his generation to fight the modernists of his time. As we fight our generation of Post-Modernists, the call of "Insturare Omnia in Christo" must continue to inspire us.
As St. Thomas teaches us, we are body-soul composites who live in the material world. We must meet challenges in the spiritual realm as well as within the natural order. We are still called to go out there and evangelize about the truth every day. We are called to preach that radical infiltration has happened in our country, in our world, and in our Church itself. It’s called being honest and bold. And then we have to do something about it. It’s called Restoring all things in Christ!
Grab a paracord rosary and find a place to pray it in public. Speak your mind on the state of the world and offer the Gospel at places that make you uncomfortable. Maybe that’s at work where lost souls are in jeopardy of going to hell. You do love those people and want to help save them, right? Maybe it’s your child who needs to have her cell phone smashed with a hammer in front of her. Better to enter the Kingdom of heaven with a LAN line than Gehenna with a phone that has three cameras. Just saying. Maybe it’s within your own Catholic community.
I know two men who have been suspended from the Knights of Columbus for praying at counter prayer rallies outside of “Vaccine” Drives at local Catholic churches. I admire these men for seeking to Restore all things in Christ the way their consciences urged them to do so. One of them started by bringing up the abortion linked concerns about the vax back in 2020 to his chapter of Knights. This was done as an interruption to many of them showing off their band-aids from their injections on camera during a virtual meeting. It takes real courage to stand in the face of that. To do that, and then for him to make the witness he did at the counter rally takes a real spirit of "Insturare!". Kudos to him.
As always, I consider myself plenty blessed to be within the company of so many warriors within the Novus Ordo community and within the Latin Mass community. Men who engage in St. Paul Street Evangelization, the A-Team, Catholic Vote, praying against those who wish to install after school Satan clubs in our schools, or even the men who are teaching their boys how to slaughter a hog with Troops of St. George instead of spend their Saturday mornings sitting around their Xboxes in their PJs all morning, like the pagan children do. Now is the time to amp it up. As times get worse, and they are about to get worse, just keeping in regular communication with the larger group and encouraging one another in novenas and holding others accountable during Lent is going to make a huge difference. Growing and maintaining the network for when we face real poverty and real need is essential too. I'm glad to be ahead and already a part of a group of such Great men.
There are a lot of opportunities to come up small or to come up big, especially at this time. How fitting that we are going through this newest economic and political development during Lent? Ah, Lent.. there’s something we can do with some rigor. There's an opportunity for some "Insturare". To the credit of most of the Traditionalists I know, talk about some people unafraid to suffer for 40 days. Ember days? There’s something Saint Pope Pius X knew we needed. As a priest I know likes to remind people, “Do you think the world is in a state that needs less fasting or more fasting?” Yeah, it needs more fasting. And it needs more action too. It needs more Church Militant soldiers out in this brave new world, ready to Insturare Omnia in Christo.