On June 26th, 2015, a time bomb was set before the nation. I can't say it was done in stealth as even 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue loudly and proudly celebrated the decision of Obergefell v. Hodges with a rainbow lighting of the White House. For the hypnotized, this was somehow the happiest day of their suburban, first world problemy, pepsi-cola, bud light, totally straight, but happy for "those looking for equality" lives. The "civil rights war of our times" was won! Somewhere, an Ewok was beating upon a storm trooper's helmet, while Frodo was waking to a smiling Gandolf at the shire, and a sailor was smooching a swooning dame. They all lived happily ever after, The End.
For the untranced, we knew that this was only the begining. Pandora's box had been opened, and if the left had taught us anything up to that point, after every victory, they proceed in their fight with the logic of an acid. When one's entire political motivating philosophy is rhetorically identified with the ever Hegalian appeal to novelty that is "progressivism", there never is "good enough". When one arbitrarily substitutes a logically consistant bed of philosphic principles informing particualar policies with an ever morphing narcissistic crusade to liberate the "marginalized", every "new normal" simultaneously presents a new group of victims that must now be "freed".
So it should have come as no surprise that the bathroom wars quickly proceeded. It really was the next logical battleground if we really thought about it... ah, bathrooms, of course! Others wondered if the left would first move to normalize pedophilia, incest, or polygamy instead, but the "trans" issue really did make the most sense. Why?
Many saw the "trans-rights" fight primarily as another attack against the family, masculinity and femininity, and traditional western norms even just in a general sense. But I quickly saw how much the trans-gender push was an attack against reason. Metaphorically speaking, denying the most essential biological distinctions between men and women while insisting that someone with male anatomy be called "woman" and one with female anatomy be called "man" is the equivalent of dropping thousands of hydrogen bombs on the very pillars of logical thought. For the trans-agenda goes straight for the juggular... the law of non-contradiction.
Aristotle proposed that the two most basic logical principles are the law of identity and the law of non-contradiction. They are self-evident (they cannot be proven), but they are impossible to deny and all reasoning depends upon their truth. The law of identity is this simple: A=A. Pretty undeniable. The law of non-contradiction is also quite simple and flows from the law of identity: A=B and A does not = B cannot both be true in the same sense and at the same time. In other words, I can't be eating an apple while at the same time not be eating an apple. Plato argued that one who denies the law of non-contradiction ought to prove his conviction by falling into a well. Afterall, what danger would such an action pose to him if he was also not falling into the well at the same time?
For 4 years now, I have been watching the left throw people into the well while at the same time "not throw people into the well". I have seen them riot and loot while at the same time "peacefully protest". I have seen them discriminate and hate anyone espousing opinions contrary to theirs while at the same time "celebrating diversity". I have seen them punch "nazis", while at the same time "deomnstrate perfect tolerance of others". And now I have even witnessed them attempt to steal an election while at the same time "not attempt to steal an election".
How do they get away with this? Simple, we let them. We go along to get along, hoping that putting up with just enough of their juvenility will someday stop that acidic drive they move with as they head our direction. Five years later, how's that working out for us? If you soon find yourself at the grocery store grabbing a $10 gallon of milk, wiping the fog from your glasses as you breathe up your mask, hoping you get home soon to make sure your kids are doing their virtual education and aks youself, "how did we get locked down again for a virus that kills less than .2% of people who get it? How do we now live in a world where it feels like up is down, red is green, and wrong is right?", just remember that (potentially) President Non-sequitur Harris (she/her) is here to take care of you.
Speak the truth boldy, for a wise man once said, "the truth will set you free". Pray for and love our oppressors as well as those taken by the lies of our day, but never stop resisting.