Divided we Fall
If I was an Elite bad actor of the Overworld, I would be doing a dance right now. Not a happy and ordered dance that normal people would be inclined to do, more like the kind of dance the Joker would do after foiling Batman. Rather, the kind of dance the Joker would do after successfully setting Gotham to tear itself apart. While laughing maniacally, of course.
Somewhere, I believe there is a gang of Bilderberg/Davos men doing just that. They must be ecstatic with how recent events have unfolded. Eggs are $7 a dozen, and the Elite’s puppet political party actually gained a senate seat, giving them the majority??!! “Mwahahahaha!! It’s all turnkey from here!”, they must be saying, “Just sit back and let the media, the democrats, the distractions, and the techno-trinkets do their jobs, while our fortunes skyrocket and the middle class evaporates! We have conquered!”
Look around and observe where many of our comrades are at this time. Our camp is currently riddled with division. This is not how we ought to be handling the November let down, poor economy, and dissatisfaction with our current pontifical situation. Nevertheless, here were are; seemingly too exhausted, too upset, or too indifferent to continue fighting as a united front. The strategy of “Divide and Conquer” is as ancient as iron. If we are divided now, not only are we giving our enemies exactly what they want, but we should easily anticipate what happens next.
This article will cover causes of division and suggest some remedies. Let’s find some unity.
The Causes of Division
Let’s start with the most obvious one and work our way out. My first Gadfly article was titled “Resist the Rage Quit.” It proceeded the stolen 2020 election. For many who didn’t quit on politics after 2020, they are quitting now. To which I would ask, “How much have you really been involved in the political grassroots? What exactly are you quitting? Voting and watching Fox News?” To the latter, I would congratulate you. To the former, I would ask why you so easily give our enemies what they want.
Many of us have seriously contemplated “quitting politics” at one time or another. When I was considering doing such after the 2020 election, I first stopped and asked myself, “Aside from voting, what more could I have done?” It was with only two weeks to go in that election that I started knocking on doors to get out the Republican vote. I sure didn’t donate any money. Aside from share my political thoughts with people on social media, attempting to persuade them to vote against new lockdowns, I really didn’t do that much. So I challenged myself to go a bit further the next go around. The first thing I did was attempt to recruit a force of conservative Precinct Committeemen at my church hall. I found out later that some people at my church didn’t appreciate that. That’s okay, several of the men I recruited there went on to find immense fulfillment being active in the Republican grassroots, despite the gut punch that came in November.
These men found consolation in uniting with other conservatives around the valley and evangelizing to hundreds of good people who don’t have the fullness of the truth. What a great opportunity for witness. My pal who ran for school board was able to speak truth accompanied by grace in defense of kids against Marxist subversion. When he spoke against the gender confusion agenda by said Marxists, his potential constituents heard distinctly Catholic arguments they would have never heard otherwise. That’s not just unity, that’s leading others to true unity. Waste of time? Don’t tell that to comrades like him.
Next go around, I am challenging myself further. I have yet to exercise a Request to Speak at the capitol. At some point, I need to believe that sacramental grace and my own personal influence is really worth something. God can’t inspire one to say something edifying to his broader community? How does one lead the way in calling others to unity if he hides his light under a bushel?
On the note of politics, let’s talk Trump. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has already begun taking shots at potential Republican rivals ahead of 2024. Additionally, the pro-gay rights event he hosted was as divisive as it was unnecessary. And then, to blame “no exception” pro-lifers for the November let down? How unfortunate.
However, mark this: if Donald Trump wins the primaries, I will vote for him. That being said, as there are options other than Trump within the Republican party, I will not be supporting his run through said primaries. And no, I will not be voting for him in the general (if it gets to that) only because he is more pro-life than the democrat candidate. I will be voting for him because the democrat party is the turnkey puppet party of bad actor Elites who are on track to successfully take all of our rights, guns, property, and possibly our lives. And if Trump loses the primaries, then freedom lovers would appreciate reciprocation from Trump supporters.
Subsequent elections really are this simple now: one party wants to give all of your rights, guns, property, and your unvaxxed status away, the other party is okay with you living in a country where food is affordable, you can have several kids and raise them as you discern, you can engage in profitable free-enterprise, and you don’t have to worry about new church and school shutdowns because of another dubious pandemic. And yes, totally aware that the Republican party might be sliding further “left” at this time, I will still support said party, as rights, guns, property, church, uncompelled speech, and the minds of my children are REALLY REALLY important to me. And if we can’t unite behind those things, what in the world do we unite behind!??
If you believe that politics are 100% useless in stopping the threats against all of the things you hold dear, and thus you abstain, okay. But please let the rest of us know what plan you are working on to protect all that you hold dear. If you have a great alternative stratagem we should know about, by all means, let us help you with it!
Finally, it’s worth addressing the recent passing of Pope Benedict XVI, which has also, strangely, caused division. Even before recent death, there has been an increase in Catholics questioning whether Pope Francis is an “Anti-pope.” This is a very serious accusation. One that, if incorrect, could lead more impressionable Catholics into Schism. Yes, there have been a number of Anti-popes throughout the centuries, but this is something that could take decades or centuries to clear up. Who is even qualified to determine this?
Sadly, once the mind entertains this question, it is easy to slip into further historical investigation of recent popes. This is where the division really happens. Ask the several different flavors of Sedevacantists how unified they are. Do a little investigation on which splinter of Sedevacantists believe that the chair of Peter has been vacant for 50 years. Still others will condemn Modernism with such extreme ardor that they will trace a vacant chair back 100 years. Some find themselves in contest to “out Trad” one another.
I recently heard a man state, “The older the tradition, the more weight it has.” He went on to say, “What is truly Catholic is that which has been practiced and taught for longer. Deference should be given to that which is older.” This was accompanied with an expressed belief that Latin has been the language of the mass for 2000 years! I spared him a history lesson. If his first claim is true, without fine distinction made between doctrine and discipline, then mass should be said in the real language the first one was said in at the Last Supper: Aramaic. Additionally, Da Vinci’s Last Supper painting is far off base too. The first mass was probably done with each respective apostle practically lying on the floor with his elbow rested on a very short table and his hand used to support his head. If there were to be a winner of the “Who Trads the Hardest” contest, I would prefer not to join in this mass in Aramaic, postured in such a way.
This is not the time to split off into a remnant of the remnant group. This is not the time to exclaim wholesale condemnations of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while claiming that “The Catechism of Trent is all you need! Afterall, it was actually written by saints and cured by someone whom we actually know was pope, not that KORAN KISSER!” This is no straw man; I have heard these talking points exclaimed by three different men recently. Almost all of them spoke nearly the same words. Makes one wonder where all three of them got it? A popular podcaster? Seriously, someone drop me a comment and help me understand, because I would love a public debate over this, it’s so upsetting. Mostly because I can’t stand seeing the same comrades I love and have prayed public rosaries with divide themselves off into these rabbit holes.
Again, the New World Order is being installed at this very moment. This is something that most Traditional Catholics actually get quite well. Kudos! I implore that any man mounting a fight against the Novus Ordo, Pope John Paul II and Francis’ papacy please bring that intensity to another fight we could use you in. The New World order agenda and even the corruption of Pope Francis, yes. The other divisive distractions… we don’t have time for that.
Divided and Retreated: Back to the Circus
It’s easy to find a pious theologian or priest who will make “remote participation” arguments as to why de-FANGing and cutting the sportsball circus is not necessary for salvation. And, of course, these men speak the truth! Nevertheless, are you sure you want to go back to thousands of advertisements, spoiled athletes, distractions built to take you away from critical thought and family life, etc…? Need something to “escape” into? There are better things out there!
I used to love watching Notre Dame Football. Even more, I enjoyed conversations over the phone with my father about “Dem’ Irish!” Growing up, I practically venerated all of the legacy that came along with the Golden Dome. Touchdown Jesus! Wake up the Echoes! Win One for the Gipper! Knute Rockne Invented the Forward Pass! It was a source of bonding across generations for my extended Catholic family.
But then Notre Dame turned its back on Rome. It chose division. The watershed moment was when Notre Dame dropped their policy against providing contraceptive coverage to students in 2017, once the Trump administration ceased the HHS mandate. I regret that I didn’t take that moment to find another edifying Saturday activity to pursue and invite my family to join me in. Then Notre Dame mandated Covid booster shots for all students in 2021. And just this past year, they became a cashless campus. I am so happy to have now completed my third straight season free from College and Professional Football. Believe it or not, my wife has appreciated me trading in hours in front of the television for activities that build our network of comrades and learning essential skills to free us from dependency upon the Great Reset agenda.
Look, when you find a good hobby, spiritual devotion, or even a good fishing spot, you share it with dear friends because you love them, not because you think they are damned if they don’t join you. Better things await you than living and dying with a group of men you will never meet on a “Football is Gay” ad sponsoring National Football League team. Jut trying to re-extend the invitation, friend.
Patron Saint Flashcards
There is a special game that my children make me play with them at the dinner table most evenings. It’s called “Patron Saint Flashcards.” It’s real simple, actually, I go through a stack of about 200 cards with the images of saints on one side, and descriptors of them on the other. I read the descriptors, and then the kids guess the saint. Whoever answers correctly gets the card. After ten cards are out, the child who has the most wins.
The kids have gotten pretty good at this. We sometimes have to remind the them to temper their competitiveness, as they are playing a game that is supposed to teach them about holy men and women throughout the centuries. As the moderator, I have delighted to discover many new things about these saints too. I have learned of early martyrs of the Church, those who fought bravely in medieval battles, and saints who even challenged corrupt popes in their respective times. There are some saints I look forward to pulling too, such as St. Philomena, St. Patrick, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Maximilian Kolbe. All of these saints are true patrons of our time. They lived heroically, some of them died heroically, and others lived in tremendous times of persecution. Even St. Thomas was tormented by demons at various points in his priesthood.
One thing I noticed recently, is that there are no descriptions of saints that read anything like, “This saint lived during an easy time in Church History” or “This man compromised a lot” or “This saint lived a commodious and easy going life.”
As our late Pope Benedict XVI said, “The world offers you comfort, but you weren’t made for comfort, you were made for greatness!”
Perhaps you have heard of this 90 day mortification exercise that many Catholic men practice, year after year, starting every January and ending on Easter Sunday. No matter how hard it feels by day 70, and no matter how many times men swear it off, for the sake of their concerned wives, there they go again committing themselves to Exodus 90 with a band of brothers ready to hold one another spiritually accountable. Yes, I’m a few days late, but if you are looking for something to help you connect to the saints of the past, or to bond in unity with brothers who are going through similar struggles that you are facing, this is it. The companionship, the accountability, the mortification, and the conversations on how to grow as a husband, father, and son of the Church all come out in ways that you can’t experience elsewhere.
This is also a great time to walk away from that bread and circus. Liberation comes through the journey through the desert, friend, not in the shiny images of sportsball, hilariously depressing political memes on social media, and emotional consumption of worldly goods, food, and drink.
We may be a few days in already, but if you are looking for some unity right now, and need some friends to grow alongside, click the contact tab and drop me a message.
While the Overworld bad actors can only celebrate their destruction of civilization, we the targets of their plots are still able to do something they are incapable of doing: we rejoice. As we keep taking these blows on the chin, we can still cling to true joy, peace, and unity. And we do! We aren’t laughing and dancing like maniacs, smiling as the Elites do over their ability to make liberals “happy” about owning nothing and to make conservatives hapless. We are authentically celebrating the way God ordered us to do so. As we have been rejoicing through the Christmas season, spending time with family, enjoying beautiful masses, and singing hymns of praise, we can continue rejoicing all year if we choose.
We can embrace the tradition of our early martyr saints and find tremendous consolation in the graces available now… by joyfully working through our struggles together. When the real persecutions begin, you will want to be bonded and battle tested with as large a band of brothers as you can be. The time to prepare continues.
It’s not too late. If you are off the wagon, jump back on. The unity and the comradeship are always here for you. We all fall, we all get indifferent from time to time, and we all feel a down and out sometimes. But the enemy wants to keep you there. If you take this time to “peace out” and go it alone, you will give to the Resetters the division they so greatly want out of us.
“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Cor 1:12). Let’s continue fighting together to glorify, serve, and protect that body to the fullest. Ad Majoerm Dei Gloriam.
God bless,