What is consolation? What does it mean to be consoled? Is it a natural human desire? What happens when one person, nay, a large collection of people do their respective duties, in a time of peril, and come up feeling little to no consolation? What does that do to such people?
Consolation keeps us moving when we do difficult things. It’s easier to endure hardships, take risks, or make sacrifices in our daily lives when there is at least some reliable prize at the end. Heck, even game shows recognized this when they gave the runner up a nice dinette set for his trouble. Life is usually like that. When one starts a small business, he doesn’t intend to fail, but if he does, he’s going to take it better if he can count some positives from the experience. What did he learn? What friends did he make along the way? Perhaps he keeps the glass door refrigerator and the cutlery as practical mementos. Take the minor league baseball player who makes it to the Majors, only to be released two weeks later and never return. At least he can say he made it. At least he can rest knowing he was not deprived of his shot. Everybody needs some consolation.
What consolation do our red blooded Great Resistors need right now? Are we getting it? It seems as if every day there is a new something urinating in a our proverbial cheerios. You wake up and Bill Gates just bought more American farmland while the “You will eat bugs and be happy!” people opened a bug food processing plant. You do a double take when you see a hit piece against you and your brothers for praying the rosary. And you even have a license to carry! Oh yeah, and the real attack on guns is heating up too. Which only figures, considering a lot of people across America aren’t going to take too kindly to the 87,000 new IRS agents that will be knocking on doors. But hey, more dead Americans might not be such a problem considering the new entree the New York Times is lobbying to put on the menu.
It’s maximalism. Every moment you think you catch a break or you think that it may start letting up, it’s as if the bad guys mock you and turn it up to 11 right in your face. It’s hard to move ahead with any steam when you always feel gut punched. How do you keep going, and in times like these, where do you find consolation?
The Melian Dialogue
The attitudes of the Resetters reminds me of the famous book of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War, The Melian Dialogue. A little background information: the Peloponnesian War began from the aftermath of the Persian war, where Sparta and Athens fought side by side to defend Greece against the invading Persians. Once the Persians were defeated, Athens determined to drive the Persians back as far as they could. As they did this, they liberated many small Greek islands from Persian dominion, forming a league of Greek states (the Delian League) waging an offensive attack into Asia. At first, these islands were enthusiastically grateful for their liberation. Sure they were client states of Athens, but at least their new overlords spoke the same language, worshiped the same gods, and were kinder than the Persians. Initially…
Eventually the yoke of the Athenians outweighed that of the Persians. The further Athens advanced into Asia, the more triremes and tribute they demanded from their subjects. By the time they pressured tribute from islands that were never under Persian rule, it was clear that they were no longer the big brother state in a league of free Greeks against foreign threat, but that they were empirical conquerors of free Greek people.
Eventually, delegates from various Greek states convinced Sparta that they, the only Greek force strong enough to contend with Athens, had a duty to stand up against the Athenian Empire. After all, it doesn’t take a genius to predict the result of the isolationist strategy when you are surrounded by buffer nations swallowed up, one by one, by a tyrannical enemy. Thus began the Peloponnesian war.
At the start of the war, Pericles, leader of the Athenians, promoted a policy to ensure victory against the Spartans in a long war. He knew that the best strategy included avoiding open field combat with Sparta as much as possible, exploiting the Spartans far inferior naval presence and control the seas with an even greater force of triremes, and DO NOT ADD TO THE EMPIRE DURING THE WAR.
Two significant strokes of misfortune set back the heavily favored Athenians within the first couple years. One was a deadly plague that wiped out a large number of Athenians, and the other was the death of Pericles. Once Pericles died, Athens acted like every great democratic empire acts in its waning days; the politicians struggled with one another for power and bad actors took advantage of tumultuous times. All of the plans and influence of wiser men (such as Pericles) were rejected in favor of asinine delusions of expediency.
Historian, Thucydides, gave us one of the most famous dialogues in his chronicles of the war when he described the talks between delegates of the island of Melos and representatives of Athens when Athens decided to conquer the hapless island mid-war. The dialogue is most famous because it serves as an example of what one should expect when he attempts to win over a hell bent enemy, determined to wage war, entirely by moral and logical arguments.
When you first read the Melian dialogue, you sit there in admiration of the Melians. You marvel at their ability to deliver some of the most air-tight logical arguments as to the obvious moral wrong that Athens would be in if they conquered a neutral Greek island by force. With all the dialectal and rhetorical grace that leaves the reader in sheer awe, they demonstrate, point by point, the hypocritical nature of the Athenians, the murderous intentions that they carry, and the damning exposition they will give themselves in front of bystander nations. What would the neighbors think? And all to gain a few talents of silver and a few more naval ships. How could a people so known for their logic not be convinced?
When the Melians finished with their verbose rebuke, Athens gave their formal response. It couldn’t have been more disgusting. They essentially looked back at them and laughed. The gist of their response could be paraphrased thus, “Hey, that’s cute, little island people. A few logical and moral arguments, awww. Now here’s a moral dilemma for you to consider: how moral will it be for you to condemn your own people to death and slavery after we annihilate you in open combat? Or how about this logical question to ponder: How smart will you be when we smear your brains across the battlefield before hauling off your women and children in fetters?!” For all of the Melian’s eloquence to demonstrate their righteousness, the Athenians answered with the approximate equivalence of a bully who beats a nerd on the playground with the nerd’s own fist all the while yelling “stop hitting yourself!”.
Learn from the Melians
You see, moral and logical arguments against mad men and tyrants don’t work. They literally have never worked in the history of humanity. Millions of your countrymen are possessed enough to constantly declare that they hate you. They can’t comprehend that the true hostis humani, the elite pirates of the overworld, are their true enemies. Instead, they live cultist lives, always waging critical theory wars against the “White, nationalist, Christo-fascist, patriarchy”. Don’t waste your time trying to convince such people that theyare just a bit misguided and need a little Jesus. Grace might work on someone who swears himself your enemy like that (so pray for such people), but logical and moral arguments do not. You will have to find your consolation by other means.
When the Atlantic released their hit piece on the rosary and, as far as I’m concerned, American spiritual warriors of all denominations together resisting the Great Resetters, it evoked a lot of different responses. I am aware that many took to social media to engage in yet another one of those patented media manufactured “national debates”. Excuse me for going Admiral Ackbar on this one, but guys, “It’s a trap!” So we have already ruled out appeals to ridicule, and logical and moral arguments don’t work against the insincere; so why do we keep going back to these damn platforms? Have we not shared enough meta data with FANG about what a Resistor looks like? Address, name, nickname, name of kids, pictures, schools we send our children to, etc…? Seriously, stop trying to argue with these people.
I recently saw an interesting meme after Trump’s house was raided by the FBI. It depicted a man wearing a MAGA hat during the Trump years saying to a soy boy, “Hey, be thankful I’m not an intolerant bigot, like you actually are!”. Then the meme shows the democrats currently in power with the same Trumper now behind iron bars saying, “Wow, unbelievable! Imagine if the parties were reversed!” The man who shared this meme followed it up with a caption to this effect, “This sentiment needs to die on the Right. Of course you use power to punish your political enemies while you have it. The left is clearly willing to do it. Grow up!”. While I understand the frustration, I think the man who shared this is a bit off. First, when Trump was president, it was only an illusion that the Right really had “all the power”, or enough substantial power that could be used to “punish political enemies” at that time. Did anyone really believe that Donald Trump had the power to put Hilary Clinton in jail? The same Hilary Clinton whose husband was on the Epstein flight logs over ten times? In jail?
Republicans snagged the White House in 2016 from democrats dangling directly on the strings of Bilderbergs, the WEF, the UN, and the WHO. Democrats all willing and ready to use “their” power (their puppet master’s power) to further feed more money, influence, and control over to these elite overworld actors. Guys, we weren’t in control of anything. Trump’s election didn’t break any of those overworld groups. The IMF, the World Bank, Sorosian hedge funds, and all the central banks of the world didn’t magically vaporize the moment Trump won the presidency in a nation already up to its neck in swampy corruption. The top multi-billion dollar companies, almost all of them information technologies and social media compaines by the way, didn’t all throw out their June pride months and decide to partner with the NRA because a Republican got elected, did they? What power do you have when you got one media outlet giving you a fair shake and essentially EVERYONE in the wolrd, the entertainment industry, major communication outlets, all the money, China, and even the Vatican stacked against you? We got a brief reprieve, folks! We’re lucky we got what we got. Heck, some of those bad actors just suffered a minor inconvenience, a set back for three years. And even his last year was used by the overworld to do wonders for them all.
To use a video game analogy, don’t get mad when the newbie gamer doesn’t save the world from killer aliens just because he scored a glitch extra life in level one. I’m not blaming rookie Player 1 when someone already turned the game to Ultra-Legendary Hard mode, as a joke, when he got up to go to the bathroom.
But to the sentiment that making moral arguments is useless, I have to agree. So when someone accuses me of being a DVE because I pray the rosary exactly as the nuns taught me back in grade school, I’m going to seek consolation outside of debates. First thing I’m doing is grabbing my favorite parachord rosary, and using that ridiculous article to remind me of the true power of this weapon. No more days without a rosary in my pocket.
After that, it’s time to re-examine where to find consolation going forward. Because we are going to need it.
The Consolation of our Times
I have already written on my conviction that there is no natural way to stop the evils that are coming at this point. Forces with all the networked world players, all the money, and all the power aren’t making less cricket based flour right now, they are making more. As much as I would like to hope in the possible success of the November mid-terms, I don’t think they stop a radical Transhumanistic Great Reset agenda that has been in the making for over 60 years, and has been in hyperdrive for the last three. But will said agenda succeed exactly as Klaus and the other bond henchmen plan? Absolutely not.
Nevertheless, once upon a time people poo pooed a gang of Serbian kids who hated the Austrian monarchy. “What is one damned assassination of an Arch-Duike going to lead to?”, thought the plutocratic bankers, kings, presidents, and peasants alike as they read the papers the next day. The plans of the Resetters are horrifying, but they may pale to the chaos the Resetters could unleash upon the world at the slightest spark in their collective powder keg vault. Even a revolutionary marxist child could spark another Great War when the Resetters stop feeling like sharing the world they all want to take over.
I grant that the following example is fiction, but what if Victor Frankenstein proposed to make an improved god like human when he made his monster? Imagine if someone laughed and said, “That narcissistic jerk doesn’t even know how what he’s doing. He’ll probably screw it up. Watch, it will come out looking like an ugly 8 foot tall monster when he’s all done!” Yeah, that’s what you need to worry about. Don’t worry about the microchips that will “make people smart” someday, worry about trans humanist Great Resetters and the communist systems they set in place to force their unholy creations on you.
So again, where does one find the consolation? It’s found on the first piece on that same rosary that the Atlantic attacked this past week. It’s found on the cross. What consolation do you find in perhaps facing martyrdom in your life? For one, a life of resisting nobly and dying a martyr sure beats a life of wearing dopey polo shirts on the golf course and eating cheesecake while watching sports ball and checking on your portfolio (heavily invested in FANG). That’s not what God made you for. God made you to be rugged. To be rosary wielding warrior. To be a saint. I say again, thank God that He believed in you enough to choose you for this time.
When St. Maximilian Kolbe spent his life becoming a holy priest, evangelizing in Japan, winning science fairs for radios he made, running his printing press to make spiritual reading materials, and saying several masses a day until he was arrested, he knew it was going to end in martyrdom. Heck, he literally took the red crown of martyrdom from the Blessed Mother as a child! But the holy man fought every moment until his last breath, regardless of the fate that he knew was in store for him.
It’s not depressing or “pessimistic” to believe that your life may end in physical martyrdom. As it is with all trials in life, only when you embrace your cross can Christ help you carry it. In dedicating each new day to the mission that he gave you, to live each day more holy than the last, to be the truest St. Joseph Terror of Demons and Pillar of Virtue in your home, and by continuing to resist the God blaspheming plans of (not so) Great Resetters with everything you have, you will find the exact consolation that God wills for you.
Justice is like every other good in this world. It’s simply a foretaste of the heavenly banquet that awaits us who do His will. Don’t look for empty consolation that tells you all justice will be had here in your life. If you live to see the Apocalypse, yes, you will see justice, but it will be okay if you don’t see it. Just keep your eye on the prize and keep marching forward with Christ helping you to carry your cross to your ultimate destiny.
By the way, the end of the story of Melos and the Peloponnesian War is worth telling before I sign out. The Melians accepted Athenian invasion and fought them bravely. They waged two successful attacks against the Athenians before Melos was conquered. But the Melians’ arguments were later validated as Athens’ arrogance and corruption eventually got the better of them. As I mentioned earlier, the Athenians couldn’t keep political stability and they couldn’t help themselves but to expand their empire during the war. Alcibiades of Athens drew up a plan for Athens to conquer Sicily and force Sparta to fight a two front war that they most certainly would lose. When Alcibiades was framed by a political rival before leaving for the Sicilian expedition, Alcibiades defected to Sparta and let them in on the entire plan. The Spartans sailed to Sicily, trained and fought alongside the Sicilians, and thoroughly defeated an overconfident and massive Athenian army hell bent on conquering the Sicilians. In the end, tens of thousands of Athenians died or were captured by a Sicilian people that the Athenians thought they could conquer as easily as they conquered the Melians. The captured Athenians were placed into a giant pit and fed a ration of corn a day until they either died or were branded on the forehead and sold as slaves. It was the turning point of a war that Sparta ended up winning. Just in case you needed a tiny bit more consolation.
Ah, who knows, maybe it won't end in martyrdom for us.
Either way, you know what to do. Drown out the distractions, keep your eye on the prize, advance in personal holiness, evangelize, and fight to the end.
Keep resisting.
God bless,