If you would like to get involved in the Decline to Sign movement against the "Arizona Right to Abortion Initiative", email me at gadfly.t@protonmail.com. I will personally get you out on the trail.
In the time of Socrates, the Athenians believed everyone had a shared responsibility in advancing and protecting the common good of their city (the polis). They held deep pride in being involved (at least to some degree) in political life. It was considered shameful for one to know the danger his city might face, but fail to make his unique contribution to protect it.
Today, most American citizens have taken this idea for granted. Further, many are unaware of the process to do minimal work as a public servant for the common good. If you are ready to do more than ring your fist and share posts, then here is your basic guide to get you into the real action!
The statesman's entry level position is Precinct Committeeman (PC). What does a Precinct Committeeman do? His duties include attending monthly district meetings, working to get the correct public servants into higher office, voting on county bylaws, keeping legislators accountable who attend district meetings, and keeping himself and his constituents abreast of pending legislation and how to help advance good bills and stop bad ones.
Think of the impact even 100 good men could have if they dedicated themselves to just the minimum of one meeting per month. With that access, we could present consistent and noticable expectations to our legislators accross the valley, network with other constitutionalist conservatives to change the Republican party for the better, and establish connections that will help any of us seeking higher positions to get elected!
"How do I get started", you ask? Precinct Committeemen are elected positions, but you can fill out an application to become an apoointed PC if it is not an election year. There are hundreds of positions avialable, based upon district and precinct.
If you are not a Registered Republican, click here to register now.
1. Attend your next district meeting and talk to the person in charge to submit your application. You can find information to get you there at www.Maricopagop.org > Leadership tab in the menu > District Chair tab > then to the respective district. Contact information is located there so you can find out when and where the meetings are.
2. You can email me, the Gadfly, at gadfly.t@protonmail.com and I will help you get your application submitted ASAP. Or send me an email for more information in general or related inquiries.