If you were expecting a conclusion that went full "red-pill" about a gene altering Covid-19 vaccine, I am sorry to disappoint. Is there a great possibility that the Covid-19 vaccine may do exactly that while priming the world for accepting many gene altering vaccines that turn us into mindless slaves over time? Well sure there's a chance of that. And feel free to do your own research on that and to drop some info in the chat below. At present, I am more interested in talking about the general mission of the trans-humanists and the direction this is headed. Whether the Covid vaccine is the watershed moment or not...
In the last article, I talked about the failure of most of the current clergy to prepare the faithful to fight trans-humanism, while I also shared the warnings given by some. Cardinal Ratzigner once asked the following question: "If man, in his origin and at his very roots, is only an object to himself, if he is 'produced' and comes off the production line with selected features and accessories, what on earth is man supposed to think of man? How should he act toward him? What will be man's attitude toward man when he can no longer find anything of the divine mystery in the other, but only his own know how?"
The most predictable answer to Ratzinger’s question is this: man will see a slave and his own property. Drawing upon Aristotle's philosophy of techne, St. Thomas was clear about how man treats something he creates: as his inferior. Furthermore, he expects it to serve him. If I build a shed in my backyard, I build it to serve me. If I put together my own raspberry pi (mini-computer) build, I design it to do what I want- it serves me by playing all the custom retro video games that suite my pleasue. I am free to do whatever I wish with it (including destroy it). On the contrast, if I participate as co-creator (with my wife) in the divinely designed method to create new human life, I do not design, build, or program my child. And thus, I don’t see him as my property, but as a gift that I am beholdened to. As Christ told us, we all have but one Father. So when He puts together a child for me, I become the steward of God’s child, drawn back in awe at the “divine mystery” referenced by Ratzinger when I see a being made in His image and likeness, unlike anything I would ever be able to design and piece together myself.
I think the trans-humanists believe their story shall be that of Pygmalion. Realistically, they should expect Frankenstein. If you have forgotten the story of Pygmalion, it goes a little something like this: a sculptor once prayed to Aphrodite that his beautifully carved ivory woman would be real. He was so infatuated with his masterpiece that, one night, he kissed its lips. And then… and then… she came to life, they were married, and they lived happily ever after. A modern movie rendition of this, “My Fair Lady” gives a more realistic ending: the moment Mr Higgins won his bet that he could fool the noblest of snoods into thinking a common peasant was a lady, he immediately discarded the woman. She was a mere object to be used and Higgins treated her thus. And she resented him deeply for feeling so used.
Mary Shelly gives the most morbidly realistic vision of how man’s desire to create his own trans-human "masterpiece" would really go. In Frankenstein, Dr. Victor Frankenstein spends years studying alchemists such as Cornelius Agrippa, dabbles in the occult, then connects that knowledge to an obsessive study of biology and electrical re-animation until he finally discovers how to re-animate (and seemingly re-soul) a brand new human (more or less) person. Victor Frankenstein perfectly represents the hyper A-type, overly-specialized, under wisened, genius; he believes that a discovery itself is a sufficient condition to warrant putting the discovery into practice. And with all the narcissism held by such an individual, he predictably assumes that the person who ought to put his discovery into practice is… well, himself of course.
Instead of preparing for fatherhood by doing the usual; picking a fine baby name, preparing a nursery, picking out a couple of quality God-parents, and laughing with joy at the kicks of a beautiful little “divine mystery” inside of a Mrs. Frankenstein’s belly, Victor’s preparation included robbing morgues of fresh corpses, working all hours into the night while neglecting any distracting human interaction with friends and family, and neglecting his health to the point that he had already reached delirium by the time he was ready to flip the switch and put life to his beautiful 8 foot tall, yellow skinned, black teethed “son”. What could possibly go wrong?
Upon animation, the first thing Victor’s creation saw was the real monster of the story; a hapless young man so ill prepared for fatherhood, stewardship, or real responsibility for any product of his techne, that he immediately abandoned his creation, ran back to his apartment and collapsed into fetal position in the corner. Unlike man, who ought to see in himself the divine mystery, and thus a God who gave him participation in being as a gift, Victor’s creation saw in Victor the image of nothing worthy of worship, service, or docility. He saw the same thing we all should see when we think of the trans-humanist; a pathetic and spoiled diabolical nerd worthy of resentment and scorn. But unlike the fiend who revenged himself by murdering Frankenstein’s entire family, we will love our enemies. They need it. Afterall, if our God asked Job “where were you when I created the heavens and the earth?” imagine the justice he has in store for those who mock Him with their Frankenstenian narcissism and contempt for the capstone of God’s creation. Trust me, when I think of it, it indeed drives me to pray for these men out of charity, but Lord, out of respect for myself, your creation, and your justice, never let me fall in such weakness as to participate even in the slightest with the bastard plans these men design!
The creeps in Silicon Valley, the World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, and the like continue to design their dehumanizing “solutions” to all of our problems. They tell us to embrace the new normals, cover our faces forever, and to take an mRNA vaccine that will change our DNA. Elon Musk tells us that it is time to “become one with the cyborgs” as he prepares the world for the neurolink chip and promises us the ability to upload our consciousness to the cloud. Ray Kurzweil assures us that the “singularity is near” and that all of the trans-humanist technologies on the horizon and the supposed looming artificial human brain will make us all happier than we have ever been. This past march, Bill Gates pattened a system that would award cryptocurrency to people based upon their body movement on a given day (Patten WO2020060606). Combine all that with a World Economic Forum that says humanity is close to being free of property, and that day will mark our true attainment of human happiness and freedom. Do you understand yet why we all must oppose these monsters with everything we have?
And for today's clergy who spend more time scandalizing the faithful with exaggerated concerns about a virus with a .01% death rate, re-introduced racial tensions, and “climate change”, pray that they will immediately repent and feed their sheep with the truth NOW! Pray they lead us against this real threat to humanity the way Pope Leo the Great turned away Atilla the Hun. That they lead us as Pope Urban II led the Christians against the pressing Moors with the battle cry of “Deus Vult!” Lead us as the fathers of the council of Trent spent the diligence of two decades to not only condemn the heretics who wrecked Europe, but cleaned their own filthy house in-turn. That they lead us as St. John Paul the Great fought tooth and nail for the freedom of man against the evils of Communism and saw in his own time the effects of his mission as the wall came down. That they lead us as Pope Benedict began to lead us and intended for us to be led against the trans-humanist monsters.
As for me and my family, we are going to fight this spiritual battle unceasingly, shoulder to shoulder with like minded people of faith and patriots who are going to resist this with everything they have on the natural and spiritual orders.
God bless,