What is trans-humanism? 22 yeas ago,
intellectuals such as Dr. Nick Bostrom were already envisioning a transhumanist future complete with "Super-intelligent machines... Lifelong emotional well-being through re-callibration of the pleasure-centers... Personality pills... Gene therapy... Molecular nano-technology... Vastly extended life spans... The interconnected world... Uploading our consciousness into a virtual reality... Reanimation of cryonics patient". Bostrom defined transhumanism as "a new way of thinking that chanllenges the premise that the human condition is and will remain essentially unalterable".
What has happened in the interim leading to today? In 2001, George Bush made his famous speech about the ethical use of Emryonic Stem Cell research. It quickly became a real international hot-button topic. In January of 2002, it was announced that a human genome had been mapped. This, happening only a few years after the first recorded animal cloning, was was enough to spark significant activity out of the National Catholic Bioethics center. The collective concerns about how these technologies could be used against the God blessed sacred dignity of the human person were so great that there was real political resistance to these kinds of scientific advancements. I remember reading Catholic voter guides that mentioned the "non-negotiable issues" including human cloning and embryonic stem cell research.
While the public concern over these issues gradually faded away, the trans-humanists did not. The dehumanizing scientific advances have quietly moved along while we seemingly lost interest. Some examples include
the creation of human embryos made from the combined genetic material of three parents and the steady advancement toward the creation of artificial wombs. To be fair, not everyone ignored what was going on. In fact, Pope Benedict XVI brought up his concerns quite often.
One of the most chilling statements I have ever read also comes from
Introduction to Christianity, as Cardinal Ratzinger stated:
Man is becoming a technological object while vanishing to an ever greater degree as a human subject, and he has only himself to blame. When human embryos are artificially 'cultivated' so as to have 'research material' and to obtain a supply of organs, which are then supposed to benefit other human beings, there is scarcely an outcry, because so few are horrified anymore. Progress demands all this, and they really are noble goals: improving the quality of life- at least for those who can afford to have recourse to such services. But if man, in his origin and at his very roots, is only an object to himself, if he is 'produced' and comes off the production line with selected features and accessories, what on earth is man supposed to think of man? How should he act toward him? What will be man's attitude toward man when he can no longer find anything of the divine mystery in the other, but only his own know how?"
Wouldn't it be great if we had received more of those messages and warnings over the last eight years instead of warnings about "climate change"?
Around 2015, the trans-humanists took a new angle to advance their agenda. To most, their new tack was blindsiding. While the "scientific miracles" progressed in the shadows, another arm of trans-humanism began making its paradoxical strikes. Overnight, the trans-gender issue was now an inescapable "reality" in our lives.
The sneaky thing about trans-genderism is that the trans-humanists pretended it was another "rainbow/alphabet" issue. Since the decision of Obergefell vs. Hodges had alread won the first major battle for the "how big of a list of seemingly related victims can we add to our Critical Theory warriors acronym?" club, it was now time to advance "trans-rights". It was real clever, see, most of the "don't rock the boat cuz retirement is near and I like to pretend that the democrat party is still Jack Kennedy's party" type Baby Boomers had no idea what they were actually going along to get along with. They assumed that the ambiguous "trans-rights" call was a call for "equality" for the drag queens and those willing to get an extreme cosmetic surgery. It all seemed kind of like the "gay issue"... sort of maybe.
The day I knew that the "trans" issue was not simply dealing with men cosmetically "transitioning" into women and vice versa, was when Facebook announced allowing users to identify as one of 55 possible "genders". "Trans" did not refer merely to "transitioning", but to "transcending" (transcending authentic human biological sex). The trans-genderists were not interested in making body mutilators feel comfortable as they "transitioned", they instead were actively advancing "a new way of thinking that challenges the premise that the human condition is and will remain essentially unalterable", as Bostrom put it two decades ago. Unlike gay marriage, the trans-gender agenda is not built simply to attack marriage and the family, it has always been designed to destroy reality and to convince people that gender itself can be transcended. Once that is accomplished, it becomes easier to convince people of the "good" that comes with transcending human nature itself.
Let me point to two very different individuals who agree with me. One is the poor individual who spoke during the Democrat National Convention while identifying as a
"transgender non-binary gender transcendant mermaid Queen King". The other is a man of God who loves human nature and truth: Cardinal Robert Sarah.
In a 2019 interview, he said, "Gender ideology is a Luciferic refusal to receive a sexual nature from God. The West refuses to receive; it only accepts what it builds itself. Transhumanism is the ultimate avatar of this movement. Even human nature, because it is a gift from God, becomes unbearable to the Western man." It's good to see that not all of the holy leaders of the Church, warning us of real threats to humanity, totally vanished with Pope Benedict's retirement.
I recently found
another scholar willing to talk about this issue. Dr. Angela Franks, a seminary professor in Boston. Though not as explicit or direct as I typically like my theologians, I have to credit her with helping me figure out a fomral designation for the epistimological paradigm shift that the trans-humanists and the globalists have advanced. In part one, I talked about the academic shift from
Verum est Ens (truth is reality) to
Verum quia Factum (Truth is made) to
Verum quia Faciendum (truth is makeable/controllable). Today we live in a new age where
Truth is Fluid. Just as the trans-genderist claims that one can go back and forth from one gender to another without contradicting reality (gender fluidity), those controlling our universities, news media, social media, etc... believe that truth is not just make-able anymore, but it can settle, unsettle, splash around, not be solid, and re-settle with all sorts of narcissistic whim. Even more so, and here is my own contribution I thought of years back, I think the current era acts and thinks as if
The Truth is that which is Trending.
Combined with the notion that truth is fluid, this means that truth changes back and forth based upon the illusion of our participation in its changing. So what is "true" is what we make "trend" by our own behaviors and social media shares as we step into rigged phenomenological feedback loops that advance in our world and in the news cycle. But if we know Big Tech well enough, we know that this is all really just a high tech super Hegalian manipulation performed by the same kinds of people who believed and attempted to implement the maxim
Verum quia Faciendum. With the right implementation of algorithms, they control what trends. They are after the same domination of man that their grandfathers, the communists, were after. They simply use more sophisiticated weapons to try to attain it.
The enemy's guilt of such extreme narcissism is the good news (pride goeth before the fall). The bad news is that they are indeed engaged in such a powerful form of "truth making" that it is proving a legitimate threat against mankind. They inch closer to normalizing the biological altering of human beings, so much so, that perhaps they can accomplish what the old school commies could not. In part three, I will talk on the possible gene-altering vaccine, frequent bio-metric scanning, deep learning AI, and other devices that the trans-humanits now have at their disposal. As they believe they have mastered truth altering, so now they believe they can use these devices to alter human nature itself. Can and will they accomplish thei goal?